A famous writer once said that daydreamers make good writers, so I guess I must be a brilliant writer... Daydreaming is all I do.
Have you seen 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty', I saw not no long ago and I enjoyed seeing someone living and daydreaming constantly - and in such an amazing fashion- living unexpected situations (well, sometimes imagining them) and being cool and inspiring when noone was looking. I won't tell you the full movie, but it's a recurring topic in some alternative films. It made for an hilariously funny scene in 'High Fidelity' and in '500 Days of Summer' when Joseph gordon-Levitt compares his idealization of a party with reality. Probably this is so because scripwriters daydream too.
I don't know when it started, but I remember been bullied at school and imagining myself coping with those situations differently and, of course, with a very different outcome. Worse is, I still do that. I imagine myself reacting and behaving otherwise, to discover that the my actual demeanour was dissapointing: the dream was way much better though...not real.
I daydream when I'm in bed, just before getting up, when I'm surfing the web, when I'm in the shower, when I'm cooking; but especially, when I'm commuting or travelling. A journey is a perfect excuse to daydream. On my daily 45min. commute I imagine three variations of the same 'scene',this so-called 'scene' could be any situation, of any duration, from absolutely any given context.
Many times I have to force myself to avoid this absentmindedness, force me to stop building castles in the air. Then I start thinking of parallel realities with Maggies from different universes living the outcomes of my daydreams and....here it comes again...
Hopefully, there are a couple of scenarios where I never build a castle in Spain (funny idiom, isn't it?) or where I have a different wishful thinking: when I'm teaching and when I'm playing my guitar. Funnily enough, teaching is my element. So far, so good.